Rightsize Your Cloud for Significant Cost Savings


Effortlessly align your cloud resources with actual usage through data driven Rightsizing recommendations to ensure you avoid over-provisioning and enjoy savings of 15-70% on your cloud expenses.

Rightsize your cloud resources with data-driven results


Conduct a detailed analysis of your cloud infrastructure using our smart/intelligent Rightsizing analyzer.

Data-driven results for fine-tuning cloud resources to optimize performance and reduce costs

Get Rightsizing recommendations backed by our intelligent algorithm


Our intelligent algorithm analyzes your cloud usage to provide customized Rightsizing recommendations, helping you avoid overspending on your cloud expenses.

Actionable recommendations for right-sizing cloud resources to maximize cost efficiency

Rightsizing Opportunities at Your Fingertips via Email, JIRA, Slack, and many more.

Receive savings and rightsizing insights through preferred channels—Email, JIRA, or Slack

Automate your Rightsizing checks to effortlessly identify and act on cost-saving opportunities


Schedule your Rightsizing analyzer to run at set times and receive timely updates, keeping you updated on savings opportunities with minimal involvement

Automate rightsizing checks to identify and act on cloud cost-saving opportunities