AWS Aurora vs RDS: Detailed Comparison of Amazon Database Services

Subhendu Nayak
AWS Aurora vs RDS: Detailed Comparison of Amazon Database Services

Have you ever found yourself staring at your screen, coffee in hand, wondering which AWS database service to choose for your next big project? You're not alone. Selecting the right database solution is a critical decision that can significantly impact an organization's performance, scalability, and bottom line. 

As we progress through 2024, two prominent players in the AWS ecosystem continue to stand out: Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service). This blog aims to provide a comprehensive comparison to help you make an informed decision between these two powerful database services.

What is AWS Aurora?

Amazon Aurora is a cloud-based relational database service developed and managed by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed to be compatible with both MySQL and PostgreSQL, two popular open-source database management systems. The key advantage of Aurora is that it combines the reliability and performance of commercial databases with the cost-effectiveness and simplicity of open-source solutions.

Aurora's architecture is engineered for exceptional speed, scalability, and resilience, making it well-suited for demanding workloads and complex applications. It utilizes a distributed storage system that automatically replicates data across multiple Availability Zones (AZs) within an AWS region. This architecture ensures high availability, data durability, and fault tolerance, as it can recover from the loss of up to two copies of data without impacting database availability.

Key Features

  1. High Performance: Aurora is optimized for performance, delivering up to five times the throughput of standard MySQL and up to three times the throughput of standard PostgreSQL databases. Its underlying technology, such as a highly optimized storage subsystem and advanced caching mechanisms, enables rapid response times, making it suitable for real-time analytics platforms or high-traffic e-commerce sites.
  2. High Availability and Durability: Aurora's design incorporates continuous data replication and automatic failover across multiple AZs within a region. It ensures data durability by maintaining six copies of your data across three AZs, and it can handle up to 100 TB of data per database instance. This redundancy ensures minimal disruption to your database operations in the event of hardware failures or an entire AZ outage.
  3. Scalability: Aurora allows you to scale compute and storage resources independently, on-the-fly. You can scale up to 64 vCPUs and 488 GiB of memory on a single instance. Additionally, Aurora supports up to 15 read replicas, enabling enhanced read scalability and reducing the load on primary instances.
  4. Compatibility: Aurora offers compatibility with MySQL and PostgreSQL, allowing for seamless migration of existing applications. If you have a MySQL application, you can use the same code, tools, and drivers without modification, enabling you to leverage Aurora's benefits without extensive re-engineering efforts.
  5. Cost-Effective: Aurora follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model, meaning you only pay for the resources you consume. This model contrasts with traditional commercial databases that often require substantial upfront investments. Aurora's ability to automatically scale resources based on demand also helps optimize costs, particularly for variable workloads.
  6. Security: Aurora incorporates advanced security measures, such as encryption at rest using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and encryption in transit using SSL/TLS. It supports Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peering and IAM integration for fine-grained access control, ensuring a secure environment for your data. Aurora's integration with AWS Shield also provides protection against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, further enhancing its security posture.

Aurora's innovative architecture and features make it a compelling choice for organizations seeking a high-performance, scalable, and cost-effective database solution in the cloud.

What is AWS RDS?

AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) is a fully managed cloud service that simplifies the setup, operation, and scaling of relational databases. By offering support for multiple database engines, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, and Oracle Database, RDS enables users to focus on application development and management while AWS handles the underlying database administration tasks.

Key Features

  1. Wide Database Support: RDS supports a diverse range of database engines, providing the flexibility to choose the most suitable option for your applications. This allows you to migrate from legacy systems or leverage specific features of each database, depending on your needs.
  2. Easy Management: RDS automates many administrative tasks, such as providing automated backups that are retained for up to 35 days and automatic software patching to ensure your database is up-to-date with the latest security patches. This reduces operational overhead and allows you to focus on creating value with your applications rather than managing infrastructure.
  3. High Availability: RDS offers high availability through Multi-AZ deployments and read replicas. Multi-AZ deployments provide automated failover to a standby instance in a different Availability Zone, ensuring minimal downtime in the event of an outage. Read replicas can be used to offload read traffic from the primary database, improving application responsiveness.
  4. Scalability: With RDS, you can scale compute and storage resources independently to accommodate fluctuating workloads. You can increase instance size or add storage without downtime, and you can scale up to 64 vCPUs and 488 GiB of RAM on some instance types. This flexibility ensures your database can grow with your application needs while optimizing cost.
  5. Security: RDS includes comprehensive security features, such as encryption at rest using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and encryption in transit with SSL/TLS. It also integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for fine-grained access control, and you can deploy databases within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to isolate them from external networks. RDS also offers compliance with major regulatory standards, like GDPR and HIPAA.
  6. Cost-Effective: Amazon RDS provides a range of pricing models, including on-demand instances for flexibility and reserved instances for long-term savings. The option to use provisioned capacity ensures you only pay for the resources you need, optimizing costs based on your specific usage patterns.

Technical Insights: Beyond the core features, RDS also offers advanced capabilities, such as automated backups that include both database snapshots and transaction logs, enabling point-in-time recovery. Additionally, RDS's Performance Insights feature provides detailed database performance metrics and visualizations, helping you quickly diagnose and troubleshoot any performance issues.

Performance Comparison: Amazon Aurora vs. Amazon RDS

Speed and Efficiency

Amazon Aurora stands out for its remarkable performance, particularly suited for high-demand applications. Its architecture is built to provide superior speed and efficiency through several key innovations:

Distributed Storage System: Aurora utilizes a distributed storage architecture that spans multiple Availability Zones (AZs). This architecture allows it to store up to 6 copies of your data across 3 AZs, ensuring high durability and availability. This distributed system minimizes I/O latency and enhances throughput by spreading read and write operations across multiple storage nodes.

In-Memory Column Store: Aurora’s integration of an in-memory column store optimizes the performance of analytics queries and complex transactions. This feature reduces the need for disk access, which significantly lowers query latency and increases transaction processing speed.

Parallel Query Execution: Aurora’s query processing engine is designed to handle high concurrency and complex queries efficiently. It can process multiple queries in parallel, leveraging its distributed architecture to enhance overall throughput and minimize contention.

In contrast, Amazon RDS provides strong performance but operates under a different set of optimizations:

Database Engine Optimization: RDS supports a variety of database engines, each with its own performance characteristics. For example, MySQL and PostgreSQL engines are optimized for different types of workloads. The performance of RDS can vary based on the specific engine and instance type chosen.

Instance Types and Storage Options: RDS performance is influenced by the instance type and storage option selected. For instance, RDS offers General Purpose (SSD) and Provisioned IOPS (SSD) storage, which impact I/O performance. While RDS provides flexibility in choosing storage types, it may not match Aurora’s specialized optimizations for high-throughput scenarios.

Benchmarking Results

Benchmarking studies underscore Amazon Aurora's advantages in several performance metrics compared to Amazon RDS:

  • Transaction Throughput: Aurora often delivers up to 5 times the transaction throughput of standard MySQL on RDS. This is attributed to Aurora's advanced storage engine and optimized architecture.
  • Query Latency: Aurora typically shows lower query latency than RDS. Its use of in-memory caching and efficient query execution strategies contribute to faster query responses, which is beneficial for real-time data processing applications.
  • Overall Responsiveness: Aurora frequently demonstrates superior responsiveness, handling higher concurrency and providing faster data access under heavy loads compared to RDS.

Despite these advantages, RDS can excel in particular scenarios:

  • Engine-Specific Performance: RDS might offer competitive or superior performance for certain workloads, particularly those tailored to specific database engines. For example, SQL Server on RDS is optimized for enterprise applications that require features not available in Aurora.

Custom Configurations: RDS provides more customization options for instance types and configurations, which can be advantageous for specialized use cases. This flexibility allows RDS users to select instance types with specific CPU, memory, and I/O configurations suited to their workload.
Additional Insights
Further comparative analysis highlights key details and considerations. The performance metrics from recent tests offer valuable insights, although direct comparison to other studies might be affected by different hardware configurations and data sizes.

Infrastructure Configuration:

  • Instance Types: Testing involved different configurations, including RDS instances with provisioned IOPS and baseline IOPS, and Aurora instances with both standard and I/O optimized settings.

Testing Methodology:

  • pgbench Testing: Performance was measured using pgbench with varying client and job configurations. Aurora generally showed better performance, particularly under high load conditions.

Performance Results:
AWS Aurora vs RDS 8 Clients BenchMark
AWS Aurora vs AWS RDS Benchmark

  • Transaction Throughput and Latency: Aurora outperformed RDS in both transaction throughput and latency, especially in scenarios involving high concurrency and sustained load.

Cost Comparison:

  • Service Costs: Aurora typically incurs higher costs compared to RDS, particularly when factoring in IOPS usage. The I/O Optimized option for Aurora provides a different pricing structure that may offer savings for high I/O workloads.


  • Performance vs. Cost: Aurora provides superior performance for sustained high-load conditions, whereas RDS may be more cost-effective for workloads with intermittent spikes. The choice between Aurora and RDS should be guided by specific performance requirements and cost considerations.

For a detailed examination of the benchmarking results and additional context, please refer to the study by Antti Viitala. This source provides comprehensive insights into the performance and cost aspects of both Aurora and RDS under various conditions.

Availability and Durability

FeatureAmazon AuroraAmazon RDS
High AvailabilityBuilt-in multi-AZ, Global Database, automatic failoverMulti-AZ deployments, read replicas
Data DurabilityContinuous backups, point-in-time recovery, distributed architectureBackup options (vary by engine), point-in-time recovery (limited)
Fault ToleranceHigh, due to distributed architectureMedium, dependent on configuration
Data Loss ProtectionStrong, with continuous backupsModerate, dependent on backup frequency

High Availability Features

Both Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS are designed to ensure minimal downtime and data loss through robust high availability features.

AWS Aurora:

  • Built-in Multi-AZ Deployment: Aurora automatically provides failover across multiple Availability Zones (AZs) to ensure high availability.
  • Synchronous Replication: Ensures strong consistency and data durability by synchronously replicating data across AZs.
  • Fast Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO): Aurora offers rapid recovery from failures with minimal data loss.


  • Multi-AZ Deployments: Provides enhanced availability by replicating data across multiple AZs, allowing automatic failover in case of failure.
  • Read Replicas: Increases read capacity and supports disaster recovery by replicating data to additional instances.
  • Backup Options: Includes automated backups and snapshots to protect data.

Data Durability and Recovery

AWS Aurora:

  • Data Replication: Stores six copies of data across three AZs for maximum durability.
  • Automatic Backups and Point-in-Time Recovery: Allows for full and granular data restoration with continuous backups.
  • Continuous Backups: Provides detailed recovery options by backing up data continuously.


  • Backup Options: Varies by database engine but typically includes automated backups and snapshots for data protection.
  • Point-in-Time Recovery: Enables restoration of data to a specific point in time for recovery purposes.

While both Aurora and RDS offer robust high availability and durability features, Aurora’s distributed architecture and continuous backup capabilities generally provide a higher level of protection and faster recovery.

Security Features

FeatureAmazon AuroraAmazon RDS
EncryptionAutomatic encryption at rest and in transit.Encryption can be optional or mandatory, based on configuration.
Access ControlFine-grained access control through IAM policies.IAM integration provides user management, but granularity may vary by database engine.
ComplianceStrong integration with AWS security services, including AWS Shield and AWS WAF.Adheres to industry standards; may require additional configuration for full compliance.
AuditingComprehensive auditing capabilities with detailed logs and monitoring through AWS CloudTrail.Basic auditing features; advanced auditing may require additional configuration or third-party tools.

Encryption and Access Control

Both Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS prioritize data security with robust encryption and access control mechanisms.

  • Amazon Aurora:
    • Automatic encryption of data at rest and in transit.
    • Fine-grained access control through IAM integration.
    • Support for network isolation using security groups and VPCs.
    • Integration with AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for custom key management.
  • Amazon RDS:
    • Encryption at rest and in transit (optional or mandatory depending on database engine).
    • IAM integration for user management and access control.
    • Network isolation using security groups and VPCs.
    • Support for KMS for custom key management (varies by database engine).

Compliance and Auditing

  • AWS Aurora and AWS RDS both adhere to industry standards and regulations, enabling compliance with various compliance frameworks.
  • Both services offer auditing capabilities to track database activity and meet compliance requirements.

While both services provide essential security features, Aurora often includes more advanced options and tighter integration with AWS security services.

AWS Aurora vs. RDS: Compatibility and Migration

When choosing between Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS, it’s essential to understand how each service handles compatibility and migration. Both offer robust features, but they cater to different needs and scenarios. Here’s a breakdown to help you make an informed decision.

Database Engine Compatibility

Amazon Aurora is designed to be a seamless replacement for MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. If you’re using MySQL (versions 5.6, 5.7, or 8.0) or PostgreSQL (versions 10 through 14), Aurora integrates smoothly with these engines, requiring minimal changes to your existing applications. It supports standard SQL and includes some unique engine-specific enhancements.

Amazon RDS, on the other hand, supports a broader array of database engines:

  • MySQL (5.6, 5.7, 8.0)
  • PostgreSQL (10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
  • MariaDB (10.2 through 10.6)
  • Oracle Database (12c, 19c)
  • Microsoft SQL Server (2012 through 2019)

This variety gives you more flexibility to choose the engine that best suits your application’s needs.

Migration Tools and Strategies

Migrating to either Aurora or RDS is streamlined by AWS’s tools:

Amazon Aurora:

  • AWS Database Migration Service (DMS): Facilitates migration from various databases to Aurora.
  • Aurora-Specific Tools:
    • MySQL: Native replication, Percona XtraBackup.
    • PostgreSQL: pg_dump, Logical replication.
  • AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT): Helps convert schemas from other databases to Aurora.

Amazon RDS:

  • AWS DMS: Supports migrations across different database engines.
  • Engine-Specific Tools:
    • MySQL: mysqldump, Percona XtraBackup.
    • PostgreSQL: pg_dump.
    • Oracle: Data Pump, RMAN.
    • SQL Server: Native backup and restore, SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA).
  • AWS SCT: Assists with schema conversion across engines.

Performance and Scalability

When it comes to performance:

Amazon Aurora is engineered for high performance, offering up to 5 times the throughput of standard MySQL and 3 times that of standard PostgreSQL. It features auto-scaling storage that grows from 10GB to 128TB, and supports up to 15 read replicas with minimal lag.

Amazon RDS provides strong performance, though it varies depending on the engine and instance type. It supports storage scaling up to 65TB and offers read replicas and Multi-AZ deployments to enhance availability and performance.

Compatibility and Migration at a Glance

FeatureAmazon AuroraAmazon RDS
Supported EnginesMySQL, PostgreSQLMySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server
Engine VersionsMySQL 5.6, 5.7, 8.0; PostgreSQL 10-14Varies by engine; multiple versions available
Migration ToolsDMS, SCT, Aurora-specific toolsDMS, SCT, engine-specific tools
PerformanceUp to 5x MySQL, 3x PostgreSQLVaries; generally standard performance
ScalabilityAuto-scaling up to 128TB, 15 read replicasUp to 65TB, varies by engine, read replicas available
Read ReplicasUp to 15 with sub-10ms lagUp to 5, lag varies by engine
Compatibility ModeYes, for MySQL and PostgreSQLN/A (native engine support)
Cross-Region ReplicationYes, with Global Database featureYes, for supported engines
In-Place Engine UpgradeSupported for minor versionsSupported for most engines and versions

Technical Tips for Migration

  1. Validate Data: Ensure accuracy and integrity during migration.
  2. Test Applications: Check for compatibility with the new database.
  3. Optimize Performance: Tune parameters and queries for the best performance.
  4. Ensure Security: Set up encryption, access controls, and network security.
  5. Monitor: Implement monitoring to track database performance.
  6. Backup: Establish robust backup strategies and test recovery processes.

Best Practices for a Smooth Migration

  1. Assess Thoroughly: Understand your source database and application needs.
  2. Plan in Detail: Create a migration plan with timelines and rollback strategies.
  3. Leverage Tools: Use AWS DMS for heterogeneous migrations and native tools for homogeneous ones.
  4. Minimize Downtime: Use continuous replication to reduce downtime.
  5. Test Extensively: Conduct multiple test migrations.
  6. Monitor Post-Migration: Optimize configurations and monitor performance after the migration.

Scalability and Elasticity

FeatureAmazon AuroraAmazon RDS
Scaling TypeVertical and horizontalPrimarily vertical
Storage ScalingIndependentDependent on instance type

Scaling Capabilities

Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS offer different approaches to scaling database resources to accommodate changing workloads.

AWS Aurora supports both vertical and horizontal scaling. Vertical scaling involves increasing the compute and storage resources of an existing database instance. Horizontal scaling, on the other hand, adds additional Aurora replicas to distribute the workload.

AWS RDS primarily relies on vertical scaling, allowing users to increase the size of their database instance. While some database engines on RDS offer limited horizontal scaling through read replicas, it is not as comprehensive as Aurora's approach.


Aurora provides automatic scaling capabilities for compute resources, adjusting the database's capacity based on workload patterns. This helps optimize performance and cost-efficiency. RDS offers limited auto-scaling features for certain database engines and instance types.

Storage Scaling

Aurora allows for independent scaling of storage, enabling adjustments to storage capacity without affecting compute resources. RDS's storage scaling options vary depending on the specific database engine and instance type.

Monitoring and Management
Both Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS offer tools to monitor database health and performance.

Performance Tracking

  • Amazon Aurora: Provides a comprehensive set of metrics, including CPU utilization, storage usage, and connection metrics.
  • Amazon RDS: Offers similar monitoring capabilities, tracking CPU, I/O, network, and database-specific metrics.

Integration and Automation

Both services integrate with Amazon CloudWatch for advanced monitoring and alerting. You can also leverage other AWS tools for automation and management tasks.

Ease of Use

Both Aurora and RDS aim to simplify database management by automating tasks like patching and backups. This allows database administrators to focus on application development and optimization.
Cost Analysis
Understanding the financial implications of using Amazon Aurora or Amazon RDS is crucial for making informed decisions.
Pricing Models

  • Amazon Aurora: Offers a pay-per-use pricing model based on provisioned capacity, with additional charges for storage and data transfer.

    Amazon Aurora Pricing Table:

    Cost ComponentDetails
    InstanceCharged per instance type and size
    StorageBilled per GB, with auto-scaling capabilities
    I/O RequestsCharged per million I/O requests
    BackupsSeparate charge for S3 storage
  • Amazon RDS: Provides a variety of pricing options, including on-demand, reserved instances, and provisioned capacity, allowing for cost optimization based on workload patterns.

    Amazon RDS Pricing Table

    Cost ComponentDetails
    InstanceBased on instance type and size
    StorageCharged per GB and IOPS, if provisioned
    BackupsIncluded up to a limit; additional storage billed
    Data TransferCharged for data transfer out of AWS

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Considerations:

While upfront costs are important, it's crucial to consider the long-term financial implications. Aurora's design can lead to significant savings in operational costs, particularly for high-performance workloads. RDS, however, might be more cost-effective for smaller, less demanding applications.

Cost Optimization Strategies:

  1. Right-sizing: Choose appropriate instance types and sizes.
  2. Reserved Instances: Commit to longer-term usage for discounts.
  3. Aurora Serverless: Use for variable workloads to avoid over-provisioning.
  4. RDS Multi-AZ: Balance cost and high availability needs.

Use Cases

Ideal Scenarios for Aurora:

  1. High-performance transactional applications
  2. SaaS platforms with unpredictable scaling needs
  3. Global applications requiring low-latency reads

Ideal Scenarios for RDS:

  1. Traditional enterprise applications
  2. Workloads requiring specific database engines (e.g., Oracle, SQL Server)
  3. Development and testing environments

Industry-specific Examples:

E-commerce: An online retailer might leverage Aurora's high throughput for handling flash sales and seasonal spikes.

Finance: A bank could use RDS with Oracle to maintain compatibility with existing systems while benefiting from managed services.

Gaming: A mobile game developer might choose Aurora Serverless to handle unpredictable player activity without overpaying for idle capacity.

Limitations and Challenges:

Aurora Limitations:

  1. Limited to MySQL and PostgreSQL compatibility
  2. Potential for higher costs with steady, predictable workloads
  3. Some features of MySQL and PostgreSQL may not be available

RDS Limitations:

  1. Less automated scaling compared to Aurora
  2. Performance may lag behind Aurora for certain workloads
  3. Engine-specific limitations (e.g., size limits, feature availability)

Potential Migration Challenges:

Migrating to either Aurora or RDS can present hurdles:

  1. Data consistency: Ensuring all data is accurately transferred
  2. Downtime management: Minimizing application unavailability
  3. Application compatibility: Addressing any engine-specific code dependencies
  4. Performance tuning: Optimizing for the new environment

To mitigate these challenges, consider using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) and conducting thorough testing before the final migration.

AWS Aurora and RDS Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I optimize query performance in Aurora?

A: To supercharge your query performance in Aurora:

  1. Leverage Performance Insights: Use this tool to spot and analyze slow queries.
  2. Refine Your SQL Queries: Optimize your queries and SQL commands for efficiency.
  3. Create Effective Indexes: Implement the right indexes to speed up data retrieval.
  4. Utilize Read Replicas: For read-heavy workloads, Aurora read replicas can help distribute the load.
  5. Scale Instances: Adjust your instance size to match your workload needs.

Q: How can I monitor the performance of my RDS instance?

A: Keep an eye on your RDS instance with:

  • AWS CloudWatch: Provides fundamental monitoring.
  • RDS Enhanced Monitoring: Offers deeper visibility into your instance's performance.
  • Performance Insights: For detailed performance metrics and analysis.
  • AWS Database Migration Service (DMS): Useful for monitoring during data replication.

Q: What's the difference between Aurora Serverless and provisioned Aurora?

A: Here’s how they stack up:

  • Aurora Serverless: Adjusts capacity automatically based on demand, perfect for unpredictable workloads.
  • Provisioned Aurora: Requires you to manually select and manage instance sizes, suitable for consistent, high-performance needs.

Q: How do I set up cross-region replication with RDS?

A: To set up cross-region replication:

  1. Select Your DB Instance: Choose the source DB instance in the AWS Console.
  2. Create Read Replica: Opt for "Create read replica" and select a different region.
  3. Configure Settings: Set up your replica’s configuration and create it.

Q: What's the best way to migrate from on-premises to Aurora?

A: For a smooth migration:

  • AWS Database Migration Service (DMS): Minimizes downtime during migration.
  • Native Tools: Use tools like mysqldump or pg_dump for smaller databases.
  • AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT): Helps if you're changing database engines.

Q: How does Aurora handle failover?

A: Aurora ensures quick failover with:

  • Quorum-Based Approach: Maintains six copies of data across three Availability Zones.
  • Fast Failover: Typically, failover occurs within 30 seconds.
  • Automatic Promotion: A read replica is automatically promoted to primary in case of failover.

Q: Can I use AWS Lambda with Aurora?

A: Yes, you can integrate AWS Lambda with Aurora in several ways:

  • Invoke Lambda Functions: Directly from within Aurora using native functions.
  • Automate Tasks: Use Lambda to automate routine Aurora tasks.
  • Serverless Applications: Combine Aurora Serverless with Lambda to build scalable serverless applications.

Q: How do I handle connection pooling with RDS/Aurora?

A: Consider these options for efficient connection pooling:

  • Amazon RDS Proxy: Automates connection pooling and enhances application scalability.
  • PgBouncer for PostgreSQL: A third-party solution to manage connections.
  • Application-Level Libraries: Utilize libraries in your application for connection pooling.

Q: What's the difference between Aurora Global Database and cross-region read replicas?

A: Here’s a comparison:

  • Aurora Global Database: Designed for disaster recovery with lower latency (<1 second).
  • Cross-Region Read Replicas: Higher latency but can be promoted to standalone clusters if needed.

Q: How can I encrypt an existing unencrypted RDS instance?

A: Direct encryption isn’t possible. Instead:

  1. Create a Snapshot: Of your unencrypted instance.
  2. Encrypt the Snapshot: Create an encrypted copy of the snapshot.
  3. Restore a New Instance: From the encrypted snapshot.
  4. Update Your Application: To use the new encrypted instance.

Q: How do I troubleshoot high CPU usage on my RDS instance?

A: To tackle high CPU usage:

  • Use Performance Insights: Identify which queries are consuming resources.
  • Check Indexes and Queries: Look for missing indexes or inefficient query plans.
  • Inspect Transactions: Review for long-running transactions or locks.
  • Scale Up: Consider scaling up your instance if optimizations don’t resolve the issue.

Q: Can I use Aurora Serverless for production workloads?

A: Yes, Aurora Serverless v2 is production-ready. Consider:

  • Latency Tolerance: Be aware of potential slight latency during scaling.
  • Cost Benefits: It’s advantageous for variable workloads.
  • Current Limitations: Compare with provisioned Aurora to ensure it meets your needs.
Aurora vs RDSAWS Database ComparisonAurora vs RDS Use CasesAWS Database ScalabilityCloud Database SecurityAWS Database SolutionsAWS Database PerformanceAmazon AuroraAmazon RDSDatabase Cost Analysis
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