Supercharge Cloud Cost Optimization and Security

Elevate your cloud strategy with CloudOptimo's cost optimization and security solutions for AWS and Azure. Achieve significant savings and fortified security from day one.

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Significantly reduce cloud costs in short timeframe

Significantly reduce cloud costs in short timeframe


Our comprehensive cost analysis and optimization tools can help you achieve 20-70% cost reduction within 45 days.

Make data driven sizing of your resources

Make data driven sizing of your resources


Tailor the instance sizes based on the workload usage and patterns. Don't leave it to guess. Make it data driven.

Keep an eye on sudden spike in cloud costs

Keep an eye on sudden spike in cloud costs


Don't let cloud costs throw you off course. Our proactive approach equips you with the tools needed to identify and address potential cost spikes across any cloud service.

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Automated security alerts without the daily hassle

Automated security alerts without the daily hassle


OptimoSecurity automates checks across 500+ standards, eliminating the need for daily manual monitoring.

Achieve and maintain compliance with proactive CSPM

Achieve and maintain compliance with proactive CSPM


Implement continuous compliance monitoring for standards like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and ISO to proactively identify issues early and minimize manual audit workload.

Smart Autoscaling Based on Usage Patterns

Smart Autoscaling Based on Usage Patterns


Automatically add or remove instances according to your usage thereby optimizing performance and minimizing costs.

Turn your AWS EMR into a cost-saving, data-crunching powerhouse

Turn your AWS EMR into a cost-saving, data-crunching powerhouse


Leverage Spot Instances to run your EMR workloads in the cost efficient manner.

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Enforce Financial Guardrails on Non-essential (Dev/QA) Environments

Enforce Financial Guardrails on Non-essential (Dev/QA) Environments


Sync costs with productivity using OptimoScheduler. Automate non-critical resources shutdowns outside work hours, save up to 50% on environment costs.

Notification Hub


Automated Accountability with JIRA


Easily manage and transform cloud cost and security insights into actionable JIRA tickets. Enhance team visibility and project tracking for cloud operations.

Automated Accountability with JIRA

Real-Time Cloud Monitoring via Slack


Instantly receive critical cloud cost and security notifications directly in your Slack channels. React swiftly to issues, optimize resources in real-time, and keep your team informed about cloud operations 24/7.

Real-Time Cloud Monitoring via Slack

Maximize Your Cloud Potential


Build, scale, and optimize with surgical precision. Empower your business to transform AWS and Azure infrastructures into high-performance, cost-efficient powerhouses.


Recognized Leader
